I kind of remember elementary school, and even worse, high school where truths and untruths flew around like crazy. So-and-so did this, so-and-so slept with this person. Sometimes it would leave an indelible mark on the person's reputation. One little thing, real or imagined, could be someone's downfall. Usually it's something not true, or maybe a bit of stretched truth.
I can think of an instance where rumors about one of my friends was spread around this little group, and I'm sure was spread to other people who knew this group. It's not a nice situation, and I was frustrated about this, because most of these people had met her for the very first time then, and I had known her since I was about six years old, so I think I'm a better judge of her character than all the gossips. Even though that was quite some time ago, it still annoys me to know that people were so readily saying untruthful things about my friend behind her back. Of course, I stuck up for her (and I think of this whole group, only one guy believed me, because, as he said, "Guys lie--so you are right, and she's probably telling the truth.")
Hopefully, enough time has passed that people have forgotten about the incident...But the thing with rumors and gossip is they never seem to die easily...
1 comment:
Hi Stacey,
Thanks for your note. I may start a mini-campaign like you suggested, but I kind of am thinking I might use this time to learn new tricks, like um, those finnicky socks, with heels! :)
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