I suppose that if one must appreciate something...it has to be earned. I feel like that today (and here I probably sound like an old fogey, but I'm still in my 20's) that there is not as much pride or appreciation for what we have. Or for what we have earned in our lives. I don't mean money (though money has value). I'm talking about working toward a dream or goal--such as perhaps a degree or finishing a project, we have to work hard for that and not take an easy route or have it handed to us. I think there's been some of that lost as generations change. I guess I'm in a transitional generation where there still is some pride on our accomplishments in working toward goals.
And I see others (some whom are younger than me, but it's not just younger people) who expect that they automatically deserve things (such as A's on exams) when they did not work hard. Whereas I remember being proud of working for an A or earning recognition for activities.
1 comment:
I agree 100%. So many times the younger generation (I too am in my 20s) expects things to be handed to them. I remember when I was accepted into the National Honors Society....It was my one great goal in high school. I worked my BUTT off for that. I didn't need to be popular. I didn't need to be on the dance team...I just wanted to be in NHS (Yes, I'm a dork). And right now I'm taking Chemistry. Honestly, I don't expect much here. I haven't worked as hard as I did in high school. I've tried, but I haven't given my all. I just hope (hope being the keyword) to pass with a "C" so I can move on to things I actually understand...like ANATOMY! I don't deserve an "A" because I haven't worked for that "A". I'm humble enough to admit at least that. But it's pretty sad that so many don't understand the joy that comes with actually working hard for something.
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