Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Keep it simple. The more you say, the less people remember.

How true that what we say is what stays in people's minds. The overcomplication of words is difficult to remember, and it's just better to get back to basics. Say what you need to say--and my boyfriend tends to ramble on--a side effect is that sometimes people tune out if things go on too long, if there's too much talking.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.

As a child, my parents always told me that grades didn't matter, as long as I tried my best. I was an honors student, and while I got paid a few dollars for each "A" that I earned in school, I liked doing well better.

My senior year of high school, I got my first "C" in an academic subject (physics). My parents' reaction was not what I expected. I had expected my parents to be upset (after all, my dad is just fantastic at math and science, and he tried to help me out)--"Did you try?" and I did, even though I was completely confused by the topic and the way the material was taught. My parents told me that it was fine because I worked hard to understand the material and did my best, even if it didn't look that way on my report card.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


If a true sense of value is to be yours it must come through service.
On my honor I will try
To serve God and my country
To help people at all times
And to live by the Girl Scout Law
Of course, it's been years since I was a Girl Scout (I made it as far as Cadette), so I had to look up the Girl Scout Law. But I still remember holding up three fingers and reciting this at the beginning of each Troop meeting. As a Girl Scout, we earned badges that we later sewed onto our vests or sashes. I didn't make it very far; I joined Girl Scouts because my friends were in my Troop, and I had a lot of fun.
That changed in my last year of Girl Scouts. Because many girls quit Girl Scouts or found that they wanted to focus their time on other activities, our Troop was much smaller, so we merged with another local Troop. This other Troop had a leader who was all about earning badges and selling many cookies, and at that point when it became work and about the importance of earning badges rather than learning about oneself or spending time doing things that were important to you, Girl Scouts was no longer fun. So I dropped out after that year (must have been 7th or 8th grade).
But here's the thing: after I left Girl Scouts, I was still quite involved in a lot of activities, volunteering my time with different organizations that focused on those in need, and I didn't need a badge to prove that I was worthy of that activity. I felt good about myself and felt that I was doing something worthwhile. For many years, I did volunteer work, and although right now my time has been pretty tied up, I still feel pretty good when I do something for someone else. I feel this way, because I'm doing something because it's important to me, and not because I have to earn a badge or proof to show that I did something.
That feeling is more meaningful than the Girl Scout badges, in my opinion.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Always time for friends

A friend asks only for your time not your money.
Again, no proofreading for the missing comma here...and a very cheerful looking fortune with the two smiley faces!
True, a friend does not ask for money (unless it's for a quick borrowing with a quick repayment--I've done that before where I've conveniently left my money somewhere, and I'm someplace that doesn't take credit cards or something). But more importantly, friends offer time to each other, time to talk, time to laugh, enjoy each other's company.
Now, I must add that I would like to add consideration to this. Be considerate--time is valuable not only for you, but also for your friends...sometimes people are be aware that sometimes they may not be able to offer up time immediately. I have a friend who is nice and everything, but she often asks me to do things at the last minute (for example, texting me that morning at 11 AM to ask me to lunch on the same day). However, this is more than an occasional occurrence, and it happens quite often. It's a bit frustrating--I'd like to give her my time but I am also busy and am a notorious planner, where I have my life scheduled out a week, if not several weeks, out in advance. Plus, turning down multiple last-minute invitations really makes me feel bad and scummy, because I do not know if it gives off the impression that I don't want to do anything with her.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Tension in a partnership? It might be time for you to delegate.

I wonder...what is the tension in the partnership? Is it caused by someone who is doing all the work? Is the tension mine? If it is, delegation to someone who is responsible may help.

If someone is taking all the work, I hope that some of the work gets delegated to me--as long as it's something I don't mind doing at all.

Basically, this fortune seems like one of those that calls to mind the idea of sharing, the idea of collaborating, communicating, and working together toward a mutual goal.

Is it perhaps an unequal partnership? Sometimes I am not sure if simple delegation would answer the question. Sometimes, leaving the partnership is the best solution.